kitchen utensils cookware

Board Directory

Board Directory

Christian Lewis

Christian Lewis

Hubert Company

VP of Sales

Chris has worked for the Hubert Company for 25 years and currently serves as the Vice President of Sales and General Manager of the Food Retail and Hospitality divisions. He’s had the privilege of working closely and strategically with supermarkets, wholesalers and foodservice management companies during his career. Chris has a passion for the food business and comes from a family of “foodies”. Chris has been involved with the IDDBA What’s In Store for over 10 years. He has a BA in Business from Northern Kentucky University and an MBA from Thomas More College.

"It’s the people. Everyone has such a passion and a deep knowledge of the food business. The energy and creativity they bring to Hubert each year for their What’s In Store planning meeting is contagious. I always learn something new when I’m around those folks. My favorite moment is seeing an empty convention space transformed into a creative and innovative vision of the future-always impressive!”
