kitchen utensils cookware

Board Directory

Board Directory

Josh Bickford

Josh Bickford

Clyde’s Donuts


Josh is the fourth generation of the Bickford family that will lead Clyde’s Donuts nearly 100-year-old legacy. After graduating from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he excelled at managing wholesale client relationships in the financial industry before returning to the family business. Upon joining Clyde’s in 2009, Josh brought a relentless focus on process improvement and efficiency, resulting in improvements to product quality and safety as well as operational effectiveness. As Executive Vice President, Josh leads and drives the strategic initiatives for the company and is eager and excited to work alongside the next generation of bakery professionals.

"I personally love the organization’s focus on bringing new excitement and fostering important relationship in an industry we literally cannot live without – delicious food! Because of IDDBA’s long history and support of our industry, one of my greatest professional honors was to be recognized as an IDDBA, Champion of Change.”
